Bloomsbury Proud Celebration and 23 Years Anniversary

Bloomsbury Proud Celebration and 23 Years Anniversary

We celebrated 23 years of The Bloomsbury last week, another reason to raise a glass at our quarterly Proud Celebration!
Congratulations to Mihaela, Arjan and Atou our Brand Ambassadors and thank you for being rising stars in their departments, and very well done for the LQA mentions to our hosts.

Looking forward to seeing our beautiful hotel bloom even more and celebrate more successes.

Thank you to you all for making the Bloomsbury a great place to work!

Bloomsbury Proud Celebration and 23 Years Anniversary Bloomsbury Proud Celebration and 23 Years Anniversary Bloomsbury Proud Celebration and 23 Years AnniversaryBloomsbury Proud Celebration and 23 Years AnniversaryBloomsbury Proud Celebration and 23 Years Anniversary Bloomsbury Proud Celebration and 23 Years Anniversary

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